The origins of Digital Storytelling lie in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990s. Inspired by the work of documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, the media producer Dana Atchley and theater educator Joe Lambert came together with a shared vision: to give everyone access to artistic expression and ignite the power of personal voices. Joe and Dana developed the now-classic 3-4 day workshop format at a time when film editing programs for amateurs didn't exist and far fewer people were computer literate! Yet they managed to develop a process that was accessible to anyone and everyone. Today, the method is embedded in quite a few fields: education, youth work, health care, environment, domestic violence, immigration, museum education and many more. As certified Digital Storytelling Facilitators, we now work largely according to the Berkeley Method and are constantly expanding it to include numerous creative and narrative methodological approaches.
In our workshops, the group process is just as important as the finished film.
Duration: 3-5 Days
Storytelling workshops and keynotes
Storytelling is more than a method, it's a mindset - as humans, we've been telling and sharing stories ever since we developed language and drew in caves. It was only in connection with social and strategic goals of communication from the 1990s onwards that the word "storytelling" came to be used more and more in English. In our seminars and lectures we guide you interactively and participatively through the theoretical and practical basics of good stories and help you to develop a communication strategy with storytelling.
For a half- to three-day storytelling seminar, short workshop in the context of a conference or a keynote, we arrange a free initial meeting, where we find out everything necessary about your context (fields of work, types of projects, reason for the request, etc.), the needs of the participants or the organization and the extended target groups. After that, we will make you an offer with a detailed roadmap for the seminar or the topics of the lecture, which you will review for approval.
You will find the following focal points in our seminars and lectures:
Story Up ⬆︎ Your Artefact
Bei Storytelling sind der Kreativität keine Grenzen gesetzt. Zusammen mit künstlerischen Ausdrucksmitteln aus Malerei, Performance, Video, Tanz uvm. lassen sich Geschichten wunderbar in Ausstellungsprojekte und Events aller Art einbinden. Wir haben mit unseren Aktionen Heldenreisen in Ausstellungen durchgeführt, Bodyperformances über den Dächern von Hamburg angeleitet, Kunstobjekte als Inspiration für eigene Ausdrucksformen genutzt, mit Videogeschichten eine Wanderausstellung bereichert oder eine Gruppe an Menschen auf den Geschichts-Pfaden eines kleinen Dorfes im Vorarlberg begleitet. Seit 2022 kooperieren wir mit der Autorin, Psychologin und Bloggerin Stephanie Braun, entwickeln zusammen StoryUp Your Artefact Interventionen in Museen und Galerien. Seit Juni 2022 ist StoryUp Your Artefact eine angemeldete Marke.
Duration: between 90 minutes and 3 hours.
Depending on the project, a video recording of the action is possible.
Mehr über StoryUp Your Artefact gibt es HIER.
Self-employment coaching® is a registered method that is carried out in cooperation with accredited providers of employment promotion measures in accordance with SGB III and AZAV. It represents a novel approach to permanently integrate young people as well as the unemployed and people threatened by unemployment into the 1st labor market.
Self-employment coaching® is based on the idea that there is a self-determined path back into work. Based on the concept of "self-efficacy", the participants in the measures develop the conviction that they can set and achieve their own goals. The focus on skills, interests, values, and experiential knowledge, which have so far remained unused in the usual job search, turns the participants into mediators in their own cause, who become increasingly aware of their resources and limitations. As certified self-mediation coaches, we engage them on a treasure hunt for good stories from their biographies, look into pictures of the future and tackle the set goals in a planned way. On this personal hero's journey, the big and small hurdles and trials are systematically tackled and overcome. A central role is played by the group, in which participants embark on the journey together and support each other.
Join us on an adventure. Dive into your own story and learn how to capture moments of your life in exciting, inspiring and meaningful short films. In telling, writing and creating a biographical short story you will find new access to yourself and to your very own power of expression.
The biography workshop is modularly structured in three parts. Each module can be booked individually and lasts 2 x 2 hours, i.e. 4 hours in total per module. The groups are small, from 5 to 10 participants, and it is possible to join at any time. The workshop can take place online or offline.
If you are leading a group yourself or would like to come with a group, please contact us at:
Storytelling workshop module: 104 EUR / pers.
Module Voice & Sound: 104 EUR / pers.
Digital video storytelling module: 104 EUR / pers.
Package 3 modules: 300 EUR / pers.
Early Bird (until 30 days before): 290 EUR / pers.
The price includes all working materials as well as water and hot drinks. Each participant is responsible for his/her own catering.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
„Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) steht für eine Bildung, die Menschen zu zukunftsfähigem Denken und Handeln befähigt“ ( Schulische und außerschulische Bildungsstätten sind die wichtigsten Orte, an denen Kinder und Heranwachsende ihre Talente entwickeln, Gedanken ausdrücken und ihre Kreativität ausleben dürfen.
Unser Ziel ist es, eine Pädagogik des Engagements zu vermitteln und dazu beizutragen, dass die Prinzipien der Nachhaltigkeit in unserem Bildungssystem verankert werden. Wir entwickeln dafür mit Methoden des Storytelling, des Design Thinkings und weiterer zukunftsorientierter Ansätze Interventionen für schulische und außerschulische Bildungsorte.
Schülerinnen und Schüler, Kinder und Heranwachsende können die Gesellschaft bereits jetzt mitprägen und verändern. Erwachsene können nur davon profitieren, wenn sie erkennen, dass in Kindern ernstzunehmende Zukunftsgestalter*innen, Forscher*innen und Denker*innen stecken, mit besonderen, kreativen Fähigkeiten.
Neugierig auf mehr? Hier gibt es mehr Infos zu unserem aktuellen, von der Rheinischen Stiftung für Bildung gefördertes Projekt Die Morgenmacher – Schülerinnen und Schüler machen Zukunft